Review – There’s Beauty, and Then There’s Bon Iver

If you found yourself at Red Rocks Tuesday night, chances are you found yourself in the throws of something magnificent — transfixed in silence, perhaps with tears overflowing the banks of your eyelids, teetering in some sacred solace while watching the lights dazzle in the near distance. It would almost seem biblical — some David and Goliath level of conquering, to overwhelm a crowd the size of the one that stood gathered together for Bon Iver, but that didn’t stop them from evoking heaven itself. The concert was a moment of pause, wherein the world was cut away, and the haphazard shapes of the rocks and the stage were the only things that stood between each individual fan and the band. In a perfect world, you could have died right there, but to put it in less poetic terms — there are many beautiful concerts, and then there’s Bon Iver.